Family Law Services
We learned early on that every matter is unique to the individual and his or her family.

We recognize that every case is different.
We help our clients resolve their most intricate and sensitive family law matters. These include divorce, complex financial, valuation and tax issues, child custody and visitation, geographic relocation, spousal and child support, grandparent visitation, paternity matters and negotiation matters of prenuptial, postnuptial, cohabitation and separation agreements.
From our first meeting, we work with you to understand your unique family dynamics and to make sure you have an understanding of the legal issues you may encounter. We view this upfront educational process as a crucial first step in setting realistic goals and formulating a plan on how to best, and most efficiently, achieve them. This is a dynamic process that necessarily evolves over the course of your matter, so we are always re-evaluating our goals and strategies as new information and developments come to light. By taking this individualized approach, we are able to guide you through the complexities of out-of-court negotiations, as well as through the thicket of the judicial process that can all too often be confusing and anxiety provoking.
We are proud of our long-standing success with helping clients find favorable solutions to their most personal matters. Because of our success, we serve families across multiple generations.
Cohen Clair offers expert legal services in all areas of family and matrimonial law.