Joseph F. De Simone

Joseph De Simone is an experienced litigator who has practiced matrimonial and family law since his admission to the New York State Bar in 1996.
In addition to negotiating successful resolutions of complex divorce and family court cases, he is equally proficient in effective trial advocacy and handles all aspects of litigation, including numerous hearings and trials. Mr. DeSimone serves as a member of the Matrimonial Law Committee for the New York City Bar. He has also been published in the New York Law Journal.
Notably, Mr. De Simone successfully tried a matter where it was ruled that the parties were validly wedded, despite never having obtained a marriage license, and the husband sought to deny the existence of the marriage to thwart his wife’s economic entitlement. He also successfully tried one of the last “grounds” cases in New York State prior to the law being changed to permit no-fault divorces.
Mr. De Simone graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 1995 and Columbia College in 1992. Prior to joining Cohen Clair, he practiced at Clair, Greifer LLP beginning in 2005. Mr. De Simone lives in Brooklyn, New York with his wife and son.